Harvard Business Review Leader's Handbook - Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level

Ronald N. Ashkenas, Brook Manville

Key Facts or Insights from the Book:

  1. Leadership is a continual learning process: The book emphasizes that being a leader is not a finite achievement but a constant journey of learning and improvement.
  2. Importance of clear communication: Effective leadership relies heavily on the ability to clearly and convincingly convey your ideas and expectations to your team.
  3. Value of feedback: Regular feedback, both receiving and giving, is integral to leadership growth and team development.
  4. Building trust: The book underscores the importance of creating a culture of trust within an organization for effective leadership.
  5. Adaptability and change management: The ability to...

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Denis Turkov

Denis Turkov DE

Chief Architect, Spryker Systems GmbH
Shayantan Shivam Chakraborty