Creative Acts For Curious People - How to Think, Create, and Lead in Unconventional Ways

Sarah Stein Greenberg, Stanford

Key Facts and Insights

  1. The book is a handbook for thinking creatively, offering a multitude of exercises, reflections, and methodologies that help foster innovative thinking.
  2. It emphasizes the importance of curiosity and empathy in the creative process and in leadership.
  3. It introduces the concept of "design thinking," a problem-solving approach used at Stanford's that focuses on user needs and iterative testing.
  4. The book stresses the importance of embracing failure as a natural part of the creative process and an opportunity for learning and growth.
  5. It introduces the notion of "flipping the script," or challenging existing assumptions and narratives,...

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Gilda Castro Rios

Gilda Castro Rios AE

Creative Director