Positive Intelligence - Why Only 20% of Teams and Individuals Achieve Their True Potential and how You Can Achieve Yours

Shirzad Chamine

Key Insights from Positive Intelligence

  1. The concept of Positive Intelligence (PQ): PQ is essentially a measure of one's mental fitness, influenced by the balance between positive and negative thought processes.
  2. Saboteurs: These are the internal enemies, negative thought patterns that undermine our success.
  3. The Sage perspective: The constructive counter to the Saboteurs, which promotes positive actions and responses.
  4. The PQ Brain: The distinction between the survival-oriented brain regions (Saboteur territory) and the PQ brain, responsible for insightful and empathetic thinking.
  5. The significance of PQ in teams: High PQ scores within a team can lead to synergistic effect, increasing overall...

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