The Elements of Statistical Learning - Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction

Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman

Here are some of the most important insights from the book: 1. **A strong emphasis on concepts**: The book provides a comprehensive overview of the field of statistical learning, with a particular focus on understanding the underlying concepts and principles, rather than just presenting a set of techniques. 2. **Real-world applications**: The authors use numerous real-world examples and case studies to illustrate how the concepts and techniques discussed in the book can be applied in practice. 3. **In-depth discussion of key techniques**: The book provides detailed explanations of key techniques in statistical learning, including regression, classification, resampling methods, shrinkage approaches,...

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Islam Elhosary

Islam Elhosary DE

Full Stack Data Scientist
Saeed Mirshekari
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Saeed Mirshekari US

Director Data Scientist, Mastercard