How the World Really Works - A Scientist’s Guide to Our Past, Present and Future

Vaclav Smil

Key Insights from the Book:

  1. The world's environmental problems are not solely due to overpopulation, but also to excessive consumption and inefficient use of resources.
  2. Energy is the fundamental building block of human civilization, and understanding its various forms and uses is crucial to understanding the world.
  3. The history of civilization is a history of energy transitions, from wood to coal, coal to oil, and now towards renewable energy sources.
  4. Technological innovations and transitions are not instant, but rather take decades, if not centuries, to fully permeate societies.
  5. Food production and consumption have significant impacts on the environment. Sustainable...

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Diana Pelaez

Diana Pelaez DE

Leadership & Business Strategy
Andrea Zuppicich

Andrea Zuppicich IT

Founder <> International HR Manager, Fracto