Thinking 101 - How to Reason Better to Live Better

Woo-kyoung Ahn

Key Insights from "Thinking 101 - How to Reason Better to Live Better"

  1. Understanding the Concept of Reasoning: The book explains the concept of reasoning and its significance in our daily lives.
  2. Logical Thinking: Logical thinking is a core component of reasoning, which the book thoroughly explores.
  3. Emotional Intelligence: The role of emotional intelligence in reasoning is a key focus of the book.
  4. Role of Cognitive Biases: The book highlights how cognitive biases can hinder effective reasoning.
  5. Decision Making: Decision making and its relationship with reasoning is a significant part of the book's content.
  6. Reasoning and Communication: The book...

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Sanjana Das

Sanjana Das IN

Data Scientist