ADHD 2.0 - New Science and Essential Strategies for Thriving with Distraction - from Childhood through Adulthood

Edward M. Hallowell, John J. Ratey

Key Insights from the Book

  1. ADHD is not a disorder – it is a trait that can be an asset if it is harnessed correctly.
  2. Understanding ADHD – the book educates readers about the nature of ADHD, its symptoms, and its impact on those affected.
  3. Emphasizing strengths – the authors stress the importance of focusing on the strengths of persons with ADHD, instead of their weaknesses.
  4. The impact of technology – the book explores how today’s technology can both help and hinder those with ADHD.
  5. Importance of structure – the authors highlight the importance of structure, routines, and planning...

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Cinzia Silvia Melograna

Cinzia Silvia Melograna DE

Career, Executive and Life Coach - Ex Recruiter