The Art of Living - The Classical Mannual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness

Epictetus, Sharon Lebell

Key Concepts from "The Art of Living"

  1. Control and Choice: The book emphasizes that we have control over our own actions, thoughts, and responses. We can choose how to react to external circumstances and events.
  2. Endurance and Resilience: It encourages us to endure hardships and persist in the face of adversity. We build resilience by facing our challenges head-on.
  3. Desire and Aversion: It advises us to manage our desires and aversions wisely. We should focus on what we can control and let go of what we can’t.
  4. Life is Temporary: The book reminds us that life is fleeting, and...

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Hassan  El Hajj

Hassan El Hajj LB

Information technology expert