Hello! I’m Abhijith Preman, a Chartered Accountant certified by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) with more than ten years of professional experience. I specialize in assisting Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to enhance their financial strategies and operational efficiency. I offer comprehensive financial reporting and insightful data analysis to help business owners make informed decisions. My expertise includes enhancing financial transparency, optimizing operational processes, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. I guide new ventures through early challenges, focusing on effective fundraising, strategic financial planning, and business structuring. I aim to equip startups with the tools necessary for sustainable growth and successful investor engagements

My Mentoring Topics

  • 1. Fundraising
  • 2. Financial Planning
  • 3. Business Structuring
  • 4. Accounts & Finance

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