Hi and welcome! My name is Alyona and I'm excited to introduce myself as a mentor. I've been in the recruiting world for 10 years, mainly specialising in hiring for Business functions (Sales, Marketing, S&O, HR, Finance), currently managing executive recruitment at N26. During my professional career I’ve read thousands of CVs, interviewed thousands of people, worked with hundreds of different hiring managers… and I am very passionate about empowering and encouraging people on career topics, how to influence and be more confident, how to prep and nail an interview and unlock your full potential. I had the privilege to have amazing role models at all stages of my career, and I'm all about paying it forward to you to take advantage of my career learnings, insights and best practices so that you can get ahead faster. My biggest source of energy comes from people so reach out if you'd like help with: • Job search and strategies: guidance & tips • CV: surgery/consultation, reviews • LinkedIn: profile revamp • Interview: preparation & practice/mock interviews • Offer: review & negotiation support

My Mentoring Topics

  • Job search and strategies: guidance & tips
  • CV: surgery/consultation, reviews
  • LinkedIn: profile revamp
  • Interview: preparation & practice/mock interviews
  • Offer: review & negotiation support

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