I love listening and I love conversing. The former before the latter. I enjoy connecting with people of all ages, from all walks of life. Adults sometimes think we know it all. Teens teach us to be flexible in our definition of success. Children put us in our place. Listening deeply to what people are actually saying is a game-changer. At the end of the day, my job involves people - one of the most complex bunch. People development to be exact, and here is where my passion points align. I listen to people's challenges and seek to learn why these are challenges. Often, people challenges are solvable if only we listen deeply without judgment (like children), stay curious (like teens), and communicate effectively as adults. I work with people leaders in Organisations to help their people acknowledge their potential and exceed it.

My Mentoring Topics

  • - Personal Brand
  • - Confidence
  • - Public Speaking
  • - Self-awareness
  • - Emotional and Social Intelligence
  • - Growth Mindset

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