Hiya! I'm Magda. I'm thrilled to contribute to the community, I wish there were such initiatives when I started my journey in tech. About me: 10+ years in tech startups, first as a program manager and later as a product manager—a role I hold since 5 years. I have experience in building B2B and B2C online learning platforms and customer-facing products. I'm passionate about processes, data, user research, and fostering positive global change. #TechForGood When I don't work I surf, when I don't surf I do photography.

My Mentoring Topics

  • help you with anything prod dev process related
  • share my experiences and tips on managing senior stakeholders
  • give you tips on how to work with engineers and lead a successful squad
  • guide you through a well executed product discovery
  • help you prepare for product/design role interview

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