I work at Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a Sr Technical Program Manager (or Sr Engagement Manager as it's customer facing). I have transitioned from software developer to an management consultant and presently to a Team Leader of Program (Engagement) Managers in the tech industry. I love mentoring as I enjoy having meaningful conversations with people and help them navigate through their career journeys.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Career Advice
  • Interview prep
  • Getting into Tech industry
  • Product Management
  • Project/Program Management
  • Agile/Lean/Scrum
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • MBA prep
15.March 2024

It was an effective, positive, and engaging session. I appreciate Vineet for his advice and all the recommended resources. And also an invaluable feeling that if I need any help in the future I know whom to contact. Thank you!

19.January 2024

Thank you Vineet for insightful session. This session really helped me to get important insights and proper guidance for my professional career.

21.December 2023

Vineet was very helpful. He carefully listened to my requirements and provided relevant tips for career progression and transition. He also provided pointers on how to prepare for interviews.

22.November 2023

The session with Vineet was productive. I requested his assistance with interview preparation. He provided me with valuable insights, pertaining to scenario-based questions along with the most effective method to respond.

18.August 2023

My session with Vineet was great. He gave me valuable hints on how to improve to pursue my first job as a Junior DevOps.

4.August 2023

I had a great session, It was really helpful to speak with you. Provided me with a lot of insight into the industry and some ideas on how to progress, and made it more clear for the first steps. I really appreciate your time and effort. Great Mentor!

13.July 2023

One of the most amazing meeting sessions i had today was with Mr. Vineet. He is an incredibly humble person and very insightful. His massive experience in tech would help everyone to progress in their journey. I would highly recommend everyone to book a session with him and learn from his background.

11.July 2023

I had a great session. he cleared all my doubts.he was super helpful and humble. he is the perfect mentor. he provided all the steps for my preparation.I am short of words to say thank you. thank you so much Vineet for all the help and guidance.looking forward to meeting you soon:)

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Hidden Potential - The Science of Achieving Greater Things
Adam Grant

Key Insights from "Hidden Potential - The Science of Achieving Greater Things" Unlocking one's potential: The book emphasizes the idea that everyone has untapped potential within them that can be harnessed to achieve greater things. The power of belief: The author argues that belief in one's abilities is fundamental to unlocking potential and achieving success. Role of persistence: The book underscores the importance of persistence and resilience in overcoming obstacles and reaching our goals. The Growth Mindset: The author discusses the concept of a 'growth mindset' as a crucial factor in personal and professional development. Importance of self-awareness: The book stresses the importance of self-awareness and self-reflection in understanding our strengths and weaknesses. Value of mentorship: The author highlights how mentorship can play a pivotal role in guiding individuals towards realizing their potential. Learning from failure: The book encourages viewing failures as learning opportunities instead of setbacks. Goal setting: The author talks about the role of setting clear, achievable goals in the pursuit of success. Creating opportunities: The book emphasizes the importance of being proactive in creating opportunities instead of waiting for them. Importance of continual learning: The author advocates for lifelong learning as a key to unlocking hidden potential. Role of motivation: The book discusses internal and external motivation as critical factors in achieving greater things. In-depth Summary and Analysis "Hidden Potential - The Science of Achieving Greater Things" by Adam Grant is a compelling exploration of the human potential and the various factors that can help individuals tap into their latent abilities. Drawing from years of research and firsthand experience, Grant presents a comprehensive guide to personal and professional development. The first key insight from the book is the idea that everyone has untapped potential within them that can be harnessed to achieve greater things. This aligns with the psychological concept of self-efficacy, which suggests that individuals have the capacity to perform tasks at a higher level than they currently do. Grant encourages readers to challenge their self-imposed limitations and venture beyond their comfort zones. Belief in one's abilities is fundamental to unlocking potential and achieving success, says Grant. This echoes the concept of self-belief or self-confidence, often highlighted in psychological literature as a determinant of success. The book offers practical tips on how to cultivate this belief, such as through positive self-talk and visualization. Persistence and resilience are underscored as crucial traits for overcoming obstacles and reaching our goals. This resonates with Angela Duckworth's research on 'grit,' which she defines as the combination of passion and perseverance for long-term goals. Grant's emphasis on persistence provides a practical perspective on how to develop this 'grit.' One of the most significant contributions of the book is the discussion on 'growth mindset.' This term, coined by psychologist Carol Dweck, refers to the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. By promoting a growth mindset, the book challenges the traditional notions of fixed intelligence and talent. The book also stresses the importance of self-awareness and self-reflection in understanding our strengths and weaknesses. This aligns with Daniel Goleman's work on emotional intelligence, which includes self-awareness as a core component. By understanding ourselves better, we can leverage our strengths and work on our weaknesses, thereby unlocking our hidden potential. Mentorship is highlighted as a pivotal factor in guiding individuals towards realizing their potential. This aligns with research on the positive impact of mentoring relationships in various fields, ranging from academia to business. By sharing their experiences and insights, mentors can help mentees navigate their path to success. Grant encourages viewing failures as learning opportunities instead of setbacks, a perspective that aligns with the concept of 'failing forward.' This approach encourages individuals to learn from their mistakes and use them as stepping stones towards success. Setting clear, achievable goals is another important theme in the book. This ties into the psychological concept of goal-setting theory, which suggests that setting specific and challenging goals leads to higher performance. The book emphasizes the importance of being proactive in creating opportunities instead of waiting for them. This proactive approach aligns with the concept of 'locus of control,' a psychological term referring to how individuals perceive the control they have over their own lives. The author advocates for lifelong learning as a key to unlocking hidden potential. This aligns with the concept of 'learning agility,' which refers to an individual's desire and ability to learn from experience and apply that learning to perform successfully under new situations. Finally, the book discusses internal and external motivation as critical factors in achieving greater things. This is consistent with Self-Determination Theory, which posits that intrinsic motivation (doing something because it is inherently interesting or enjoyable) and extrinsic motivation (doing something because it leads to a separable outcome) both play crucial roles in driving behavior. In conclusion, "Hidden Potential - The Science of Achieving Greater Things" presents a comprehensive guide to realizing one's potential, backed by scientific research and practical advice. It serves as a valuable resource for anyone looking to unlock their potential and achieve greater things in their personal and professional lives.

Dare to Lead - Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.
Brené Brown

Key Facts from "Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts" Leadership is not about titles or power, but about the courage to lead with vulnerability. Embracing vulnerability is crucial for courageous leadership, contrary to the common belief that vulnerability is a sign of weakness. Trust is built in small moments and is the backbone of connection and leadership. Clear and honest communication is key to successful leadership, and this includes having difficult conversations. The concept of “rumbling with vulnerability” is introduced as a method to face fear and uncertainty. There is a difference between being a knower and being a learner, and a good leader should be a learner. Leaders should always operate from a place of values, and ensure their team does the same. Effective leaders do not avoid tough conversations, they lean into them with empathy and understanding. Leadership requires a constant commitment to personal and professional growth. Leaders must be willing to give feedback and be open to receiving it as well. Understanding and addressing shame and empathy is vital for healthy team dynamics. Detailed Summary and Analysis "Dare to Lead" by Brené Brown is a thought-provoking exploration of what it means to be a courageous leader. The book challenges many conventional notions about leadership, such as the association of leadership with power and authority. Instead, Brown emphasizes that leadership is not about titles or power but about the courage to lead with vulnerability. This vulnerability, she insists, is not a sign of weakness but a necessary ingredient for courageous leadership. A crucial insight from the book is the importance of embracing vulnerability. In a society that often views vulnerability as a flaw, Brown's emphasis on its importance is a significant shift. She introduces the concept of “rumbling with vulnerability”, which she defines as having the courage to face our fear and uncertainty, to lean into our discomfort, and to have difficult conversations. This concept encourages leaders to show up and be seen, even when there are no guarantees, which is a testament to true bravery. Another significant aspect of the book is the emphasis on trust-building. Brown argues that trust is built in small moments and is the backbone of connection and leadership. The acronym BRAVING, introduced in the book, stands for Boundaries, Reliability, Accountability, Vault, Integrity, Non-judgment, and Generosity, and outlines the elements of trust. Understanding and implementing these elements can significantly enhance the trust within a team. Communication is another key theme in "Dare to Lead". Brown stresses the importance of clear and honest communication in leadership, including having difficult conversations. According to her, effective leaders do not avoid tough conversations; instead, they lean into them with empathy and understanding. This can be a daunting task, but it is essential for maintaining transparency and trust within the team. "Dare to Lead" also emphasizes the importance of being a learner, not a knower. Brown elaborates on the difference between the two, explaining that knowers feel the need to provide answers, while learners ask questions. According to her, a good leader should always be a learner, constantly seeking knowledge and understanding. This insight challenges the traditional notion of leadership as being the one with all the answers, and instead promotes a more collaborative and inquisitive approach to leading. Furthermore, Brown emphasizes that leaders should always operate from a place of values. Leaders should identify their core values and ensure that their actions align with these values. Additionally, they should also encourage their team members to identify and align with their values, fostering a value-driven work environment. Lastly, the book explores the concept of shame and empathy, and how understanding and addressing these can contribute to healthier team dynamics. Brown argues that empathy is the antidote to shame and encourages leaders to foster an empathetic environment. In conclusion, "Dare to Lead" provides a comprehensive guide on how to be a more courageous, empathetic, and effective leader. By embracing vulnerability, building trust, communicating clearly, being a learner, operating from a place of values, and understanding shame and empathy, one can truly lead with their whole heart.
