Book recommendations for Brand & Public Relations

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Customer Success - How Innovative Companies Are Reducing Churn and Growing Recurring Revenue
Nick Mehta, Dan Steinman, Lincoln Murphy

Key Facts and Insights from the Book: Customer Success: This is the business strategy that ensures customers achieve their desired outcomes while using your product or service. Customer Success aids in increasing customer lifetime value and reducing churn. The Importance of Reducing Churn: Churn, or customer attrition, is a silent killer of modern businesses. It is vital to proactively manage customer relationships to reduce churn rates. Growing Recurring Revenue: This is the backbone of any subscription-based business model. The book provides strategies to increase this key metric. The Customer Success Manager Role: This is a relatively new role in many organizations, and its importance is emphasized throughout the book. Customer Health Scores: This is a tool that measures the health of the customer relationship. It can be predictive of churn and help companies take proactive measures. Segmentation and the Tech-touch / Low-touch Model: The authors argue that not all customers require the same level of attention and that businesses should segment their customers accordingly. Proactive Engagement and Communication: This is a key strategy to ensure customer success and reduce churn. Alignment of Customer Success with Sales and Marketing: The book emphasizes the importance of aligning these departments to ensure a seamless customer journey. Customer Success Metrics: The authors provide a comprehensive list of metrics that can be used to measure the success of your customer success initiatives. Scaling Customer Success: The book provides strategies and considerations for scaling the customer success function as the business grows. Customer Success in Different Industries: The authors provide examples and case studies from various industries to demonstrate the applicability of customer success strategies across sectors. In-Depth Summary and Analysis: "Customer Success - How Innovative Companies Are Reducing Churn and Growing Recurring Revenue" is a comprehensive guide that provides businesses with actionable strategies and techniques to ensure their customers achieve their desired outcomes while using their product or service, and in turn, increase their recurring revenue. The authors, Nick Mehta, Dan Steinman, and Lincoln Murphy, all thought-leaders in the customer success domain, start by defining customer success and underlining its importance in today's business landscape. In a world where the customer has more power than ever before, and where switching costs are low, ensuring the success of your customers is not just a nice-to-have, but a must-have. The book places a heavy emphasis on the importance of reducing churn, which is the rate at which customers stop doing business with an entity. Churn is often a silent killer of businesses, particularly in the subscription-based model, where recurring revenue is critical. The authors argue that it's not enough to simply react to churn when it happens; businesses need to be proactive in managing their customer relationships to reduce churn rates. One of the strategies proposed to manage and reduce churn is the use of a Customer Health Score. This is a predictive analytic tool that measures the overall health of the customer relationship, and can provide early warning signs of potential churn. A significant part of the book is devoted to the role of the Customer Success Manager (CSM). The authors argue that this is a critical role in modern organizations, and they provide guidance on what to look for in a CSM, the skills they need, and how they can be effective in their role. The book also explores the concept of customer segmentation and the tech-touch/low-touch model. The authors argue that not all customers require the same level of attention and service, and that businesses should segment their customers accordingly, providing more intensive service and support to high-value customers, and more automated, tech-touch service to lower-value customers. The authors also highlight the importance of proactive engagement and communication with customers. This means not waiting for the customer to reach out with a problem, but proactively checking in with them, anticipating their needs, and addressing potential issues before they become problems. A major theme running throughout the book is the alignment of Customer Success with Sales and Marketing. The authors argue that these departments should not operate in silos, but should be aligned in their objectives and strategies to ensure a seamless customer journey and experience. The book also provides a comprehensive list of metrics that can be used to measure the success of your customer success initiatives. These metrics go beyond just churn rate and include things like usage rates, customer engagement, and customer satisfaction scores. Towards the end, the authors address the issue of scaling customer success. They provide strategies and considerations for how to effectively scale your customer success function as your business grows. Finally, the book provides a number of case studies from various industries to demonstrate the applicability of these strategies across different sectors. This makes the book not only a theoretical guide but also a practical handbook for implementing customer success strategies. In conclusion, "Customer Success - How Innovative Companies Are Reducing Churn and Growing Recurring Revenue" is an essential read for any business that wants to thrive in the modern, customer-centric world. Its strategies and techniques are backed by extensive experience and research, and are presented in a clear, actionable way. Whether you're a business owner, a customer success professional, or simply interested in the topic, this book is a valuable resource to help you achieve your business goals.

Storyworthy - Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling
Matthew Dicks

Key Insights from "Storyworthy" Understanding the Importance of Storytelling: This book emphasizes that storytelling is a powerful tool for communication, persuasion, teaching, and personal development. Five Second Moments: Dicks introduces the concept of 'five second moments' - powerful and transformative instances that can be the basis for compelling storytelling. Homework for Life: Dicks presents a strategy he calls 'Homework for Life', a method of daily reflection intended to mine your experiences for story material. Story Spine: The book explains the essential narrative structure, or 'story spine', that every engaging story should follow. The Importance of Vulnerability: Dicks argues that the willingness to show vulnerability makes stories more relatable and impactful. Use of Details: The author stresses the importance of details in storytelling to evoke emotions and make stories more vivid and memorable. Effective Use of Humor: The book provides insights into how humor can be effectively used to enhance storytelling. Stakes are Essential: Dicks emphasizes that a story must have stakes - a reason why the story matters to the teller and, by extension, the listener. Repetition and Callbacks: The book explains the technique of repetition and callbacks, which can give a story rhythm and make it more satisfying for the audience. The Power of Surprise: Dicks discusses the concept of surprise in storytelling, and how it can be used to engage and move an audience. Storytelling in Everyday Life: Lastly, the book argues that storytelling skills can be beneficial in everyday contexts, not just in formal settings or creative writing. Analysis of "Storyworthy" Contents As a professor who has dealt with the topics of communication, persuasion, and storytelling for many years, I find "Storyworthy" by Matthew Dicks to be a profound exploration of the elements that make a story engaging and impactful. One of the central concepts presented in the book is the importance of storytelling. Storytelling is a universal human practice, dating back to the earliest human societies. We use stories to make sense of our world, to share experiences, to teach and persuade, and to entertain. Dicks explains this concept beautifully, emphasizing that storytelling is a powerful tool not only for communication, but also for personal development. One of the most fascinating insights in the book is the concept of 'five second moments'. These are powerful and transformative instances that can form the basis of powerful storytelling. As an experienced educator, I can vouch for the value of this idea. I have seen how these seemingly tiny moments can provide profound insights, leading to transformative learning experiences. Dicks introduces a strategy he calls 'Homework for Life'. This is a method of daily reflection intended to mine your experiences for story material. This strategy resonates with the educational concept of reflective learning, whereby learners reflect on their experiences to enhance their learning process. Reflective learning, like Dicks' 'Homework for Life', prompts individuals to delve deeper into their experiences, uncovering insights that might otherwise remain unnoticed. The book also delves into the structure of storytelling, discussing the 'story spine' that every engaging story should follow. Dicks emphasizes the importance of having a beginning, middle, and end, but also the need for a story to have stakes. The concept of 'stakes' is something I often emphasize in my classes. A story must matter to the teller and, by extension, to the listener. Without stakes, a story lacks urgency and emotional resonance. Dicks also discusses the importance of vulnerability in storytelling. This concept aligns with the psychological principle of authenticity. By showing vulnerability, a storyteller becomes more relatable, allowing the audience to connect more deeply with the story. The use of details is another key aspect of effective storytelling covered in the book. Details bring a story to life, evoking emotions and making stories more vivid and memorable. This is a crucial point, as research in psychology shows that our brains are wired to remember details, especially those tied to strong emotions. The author explores how humor can enhance storytelling, a point I wholeheartedly agree with. In my teaching experience, I have found that humor not only grabs students' attention but also aids in information retention. Dicks also delves into the technique of repetition and callbacks, which give a story rhythm and make it more satisfying for the audience. This is a well-known rhetorical device, often used in public speaking and writing for its powerful impact. Lastly, the book highlights that storytelling skills can be beneficial in everyday contexts, not just in formal settings or creative writing. This is an important reminder that storytelling is a fundamental human practice, essential in our personal and professional lives. In conclusion, "Storyworthy" is a compelling guide to the art of storytelling. Matthew Dicks offers practical and insightful advice, making the book not only a valuable resource for writers and public speakers but also for anyone wishing to communicate more effectively and live a more reflective life.

Making Numbers Count - The art and science of communicating numbers
Chip Heath, Karla Starr

Key Facts and Insights Numbers are not just data: They tell a story, convey a message, and can evoke emotions. Understanding the narrative behind the numbers is key to effective communication. Contextualization of numbers: Numbers are meaningless without a context. Providing a relatable context makes the numbers more understandable and impactful. The use of visuals: Visual representation of numbers can make complex data more accessible and comprehensible to a wider audience. Humanizing numbers: Connecting numbers to people and their experiences makes the information more relatable and memorable. Numbers and decision-making: The book discusses how numbers can influence decisions and the importance of presenting numbers in a way that facilitates informed decision-making. Numbers and persuasion: Numbers can be used effectively to persuade, but this requires careful choice of what numbers to present and how to present them. Impact of cognitive biases: The authors discuss how cognitive biases can affect our understanding and interpretation of numbers, and how to mitigate these biases. The art of simplifying complex data: Clear and simple presentations of complex data are more likely to be understood, remembered, and acted upon. The balance between precision and comprehension: While accuracy is important, it should not come at the cost of comprehension. The authors discuss methods to maintain this balance. The role of emotion in numbers: Emotion plays a role in how we interpret and remember numbers. Importance of credibility: Credibility of the source can significantly affect how numbers are received and interpreted. In-depth Analysis and Summary "Making Numbers Count - The art and science of communicating numbers" by Chip Heath and Karla Starr is a comprehensive resource that guides readers on how to effectively communicate using numbers. The authors argue that numbers are not just data; they are powerful tools that can tell a story and influence decisions when used correctly. The book emphasizes the importance of providing context to numbers. Without context, numbers can be misleading or incomprehensible. By providing a relatable context, the authors argue, numbers become more meaningful and impactful. This approach can enhance comprehension and lead to more informed decision-making. Effective visual representation is another key theme in the book. Visuals can simplify complex data and make it more accessible to a wider audience. However, the authors caution that visuals should not compromise on accuracy, and there should be a balance between precision and comprehension. Heath and Starr also discuss the role of cognitive biases in our understanding and interpretation of numbers. They highlight the need to be aware of these biases and offer strategies to mitigate their impact. Humanizing numbers is another crucial aspect that the book delves into. By connecting numbers to people and their experiences, information becomes more relatable and memorable. The book also explores the use of numbers in persuasion. It suggests that careful selection of what numbers to present and how to present them can effectively sway opinions. However, the authors warn against manipulating numbers for deceitful purposes, highlighting the importance of credibility and ethical considerations in number communication. Lastly, the book delves into the emotion aspect of numbers. It suggests that emotions can influence how we interpret and remember numbers. By eliciting appropriate emotions, numbers can be made more memorable and impactful. In conclusion, "Making Numbers Count - The art and science of communicating numbers" is a must-read for anyone who wants to improve their number communication skills. Whether you are a data scientist, a marketer, a journalist, or just someone who wants to make better sense of numbers, this book offers valuable insights and practical tips to make numbers count.

Give & Get Employer Branding - Repel the Many and Compel the Few with Impact, Purpose and Belonging
Bryan Adams, Charlotte Marshall

Key Insights from the Book: Employer branding is critical: The book emphasizes the importance of a strong employer brand in attracting and retaining top talent. Repel the many, attract the few: The authors advocate for a focused approach where a company should aim to deter those who wouldn’t fit while strongly attracting those who would. Impact, Purpose, and Belonging: These are three key elements that form the foundation of a compelling employer brand. Authenticity: Authentic representation of a company’s culture and values is crucial in employer branding. Employee involvement: Employees play a significant role in building and maintaining the employer brand. Consistent messaging: Consistency in employer brand messaging across different platforms is necessary to maintain credibility. Strategic employer branding: The book provides a strategic framework for developing and implementing an effective employer branding strategy. Data driven approach: The authors emphasize the importance of using data and analytics in employer branding. Employer Value Proposition (EVP): A well-defined EVP is a powerful tool in attracting and retaining talent. Storytelling: The book underscores the power of storytelling in employer branding. Detailed Analysis and Conclusions The book, penned by Bryan Adams and Charlotte Marshall, provides a comprehensive guide on employer branding. It discusses the importance of a strong employer brand in attracting and retaining top talent, an aspect that is often overlooked by many organizations. The unique proposition of the book is its emphasis on a focused approach to employer branding - repelling the many and compelling the few. The authors argue that by trying to please everyone, companies often dilute their brand. Instead, a company should focus on attracting those individuals who are aligned with its values and goals. This approach not only helps in attracting the right talent but also in retaining them. The authors identify Impact, Purpose, and Belonging as the three key elements of a compelling employer brand. They argue that employees today are looking for more than just a paycheck. They want to work for organizations that have a positive impact on society, provide a sense of purpose, and where they feel a sense of belonging. Therefore, these elements should be at the heart of any employer branding strategy. Authenticity is another theme that runs throughout the book. The authors stress that any attempt at employer branding should be a true reflection of the company’s culture and values. Any discrepancy between the employer brand and the actual experience of the employees can lead to disengagement and turnover. Involving employees in building and maintaining the employer brand is a key insight from the book. The authors suggest that employees are the best brand ambassadors and their stories and experiences can significantly enhance the employer brand. The book also emphasizes the need for consistency in employer brand messaging across different platforms. Inconsistency can lead to confusion and may undermine the credibility of the employer brand. The authors provide a strategic framework for developing and implementing an effective employer branding strategy. They argue that employer branding should not be an ad-hoc activity but should be strategically planned and executed. The book underscores the importance of using data and analytics in employer branding. By tracking and analyzing data, companies can gain valuable insights into their employer brand performance and make necessary adjustments. The concept of Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is also discussed extensively in the book. A well-defined EVP that clearly articulates what a company offers to its employees and what it expects in return can be a powerful tool in attracting and retaining talent. Finally, the book underscores the power of storytelling in employer branding. The authors suggest that compelling stories about the company, its culture, and its employees can significantly enhance the employer brand. In conclusion, "Give & Get Employer Branding" provides a comprehensive and practical guide to employer branding. The insights and strategies provided in the book are backed by the authors’ extensive experience in the field and are relevant to organizations of all sizes and industries.

When Digital Becomes Human - The Transformation of Customer Relationships
Steven Van Belleghem

Key Insights from "When Digital Becomes Human - The Transformation of Customer Relationships" Importance of Human Interaction: Despite the rapid digital transformation, human interaction remains crucial in customer relationships. Digital Efficiency: Digital tools and platforms can greatly enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction. Customer Expectations: The digital age has significantly raised customer expectations, making it more challenging for businesses to meet them. Artificial Intelligence and Automation: AI and automation play a significant role in enhancing customer interaction and personalizing customer experience. Integration of Digital and Human Elements: The successful integration of digital and human elements can result in an optimal customer experience. Emotional Engagement: Emotional engagement is as important as rational engagement in customer relationships. Continuous Innovation: Continuous innovation is key to staying relevant and competitive in the digital age. Data-Driven Insights: The use of data-driven insights can greatly enhance decision-making and customer understanding. Customer Centricity: Putting the customer at the heart of everything is vital for success in the digital age. Trust and Privacy: In the digital age, trust and privacy matter more than ever. In-depth Analysis and Interpretation "When Digital Becomes Human - The Transformation of Customer Relationships" by Steven Van Belleghem is a groundbreaking work that explores the intersection of technology, business, and human interaction. It puts forth a compelling argument that despite the rapid advancement of digital technology, human interaction remains pivotal in customer relationships. The book posits that digital tools and platforms can significantly enhance efficiency, convenience, and customer satisfaction. However, Van Belleghem argues that these tools are merely facilitative; they do not and cannot replace the human element. This is particularly salient in a time where customer expectations are sky-high and businesses are grappling to meet them. The author also delves into the role of AI and automation in improving customer interaction. He suggests that these technologies can help create personalized customer experiences, which is a major expectation of today's customers. Nonetheless, the author cautions against relying solely on these technologies, emphasizing the importance of integrating digital and human elements in customer relationships. A key insight from the book is the importance of emotional engagement. Van Belleghem argues that emotional engagement is as important as rational engagement in customer relationships. This resonates with Daniel Goleman's concept of emotional intelligence, which suggests that our emotions play a critical role in our decision-making processes. Van Belleghem also emphasizes on the need for continuous innovation. In the digital age, businesses must be willing to continuously innovate to stay relevant and competitive. This aligns with the principles of agile and lean methodologies, which prioritize continuous improvement and adaptation. In the era of big data, the author advocates for the use of data-driven insights to enhance decision-making and customer understanding. However, he also highlights the importance of trust and privacy. In the digital age, these two factors matter more than ever. This aligns with the principles of data privacy laws like the GDPR, which put a premium on customer privacy and consent. Finally, the author espouses the concept of customer centricity. He asserts that businesses must put the customer at the heart of everything they do. This reflects the shift from product-centric to customer-centric business models, which is a key trend in today's business landscape. In conclusion, "When Digital Becomes Human - The Transformation of Customer Relationships" is a thought-provoking work that provides insightful perspectives on the role of digital technology in customer relationships. It underscores the importance of integrating digital and human elements, emotional engagement, continuous innovation, data-driven insights, trust and privacy, and customer centricity in the digital age. The book provides a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the evolving dynamics of customer relationships in the digital age.
