I'm a Data Professional with vast working experience in Analytics and Engineering. Last year I was nominated to become a Product Owner and now lead a team of 5 Data Engineers. I also hold a coaching degree from Erickson Coaching Institute and am very excited to apply my skills to mentoring relationships. I can support you with career change and personal change in general, advise you on implementing some productive habits and routines, how to navigate work-life balance, and many other topics. On the personal side - I am 34 years old, married, enjoy sports, and vegan. Originally from Kyiv, Ukraine but lived in Turkey, Czech Republic, and Germany over the last 10 years. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if you would like to partner in that journey :)

My Mentoring Topics

  • Career change
  • Personal change
  • Habits integration
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Data and Analytics
  • Moving abroad
  • Personal improvement
4.May 2024

30.April 2024

The session with Stan was such a pleasant and fruitful one. He was open to all my questions and let me drive at the pace of my comfort. He had wonderful insights for each of my questions also additional tips to things to do different way. gave me a more structured way to approach things and a new perspective in certain things. Talking to him boosted my confidence and gave me a review on what i can do better as well. Thank you Stan for this :)

19.April 2024

Stanislav's guidance has been invaluable, and the thorough approach is appreciated. The real-world examples enhanced clarity, and frequent check-ins are suggested for ongoing support. Grateful for the mentorship and looking forward to continued collaboration.

18.April 2024

I approached Stanislav to ask for advice on finding my first job in Data Analytics. He asked me questions to get an overview about me and then gave pointers on improving my profile. He also offered opportunity to practice interviews and demonstrated how to make connections. In general, his attitude is empathic, precise and open. Would definitely recommend him.

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Atomic Habits
James Clear

Key Facts/Insights from "Atomic Habits" The Power of 1% Improvement: Small, incremental improvements or changes can have a significant impact over time. This is known as the "aggregation of marginal gains." Habits vs. Goals: Clear argues that focusing on systems (habits) rather than outcomes (goals) is more effective for long-term success. Four Laws of Behavior Change: The laws of cue, craving, response, and reward are essential for habit formation and breaking. Habit Stacking: This is a concept where you link a new habit to an existing one, which helps in making the new habit stick. Environment Design: Changing your environment can make it easier to cultivate good habits and get rid of bad ones. Identity-Based Habits: Your habits shape your identity, and vice versa. Changing your habits can lead to profound changes in your self-image. Delayed Gratification: Good habits often have delayed rewards, while bad habits often offer immediate pleasure but long-term pain. Golden Rule of Habit Change: Make it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying. Breaking Bad Habits: Clear provides practical strategies to break bad habits, such as making them unattractive, difficult, and unsatisfying. Habit Tracking: This is a simple way to measure your progress and keep yourself accountable. Never Miss Twice: If you miss a day, make it a point to get back on track the next day. This prevents you from spiraling into a cycle of repeated failure. Detailed Summary and Analysis "Atomic Habits" by James Clear provides a comprehensive framework for understanding how habits work and how they can be changed. The book's core message is the concept of the power of 1% improvement. This concept, also known as the "aggregation of marginal gains," is about making small, incremental changes consistently over a long period. This aligns with the well-established principle of compound interest in finance and the Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement in Japanese manufacturing. Clear distinguishes between habits and goals. While most self-help literature focuses on setting and achieving goals, Clear argues that it's more effective to focus on the systems (habits) that lead to those outcomes. This is a significant shift in perspective that has profound implications for personal growth and development. The book introduces the Four Laws of Behavior Change (make it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying), which are essential for habit formation and breaking. These laws provide a practical framework for understanding and manipulating the habit loop, a concept first introduced by Charles Duhigg in "The Power of Habit." Habit stacking is a powerful strategy for habit formation. It involves linking a new habit to an existing one, thereby leveraging the existing habit's cue and reward to reinforce the new habit. This concept is akin to the psychological principle of classical conditioning, first proposed by Ivan Pavlov. Environment design is another key element in habit formation. Clear argues that by changing our environment, we can make it easier to cultivate good habits and get rid of bad ones. This is consistent with the field of environmental psychology, which studies the interplay between people and their physical surroundings. One of the most profound ideas in the book is the concept of identity-based habits. Clear posits that our habits shape our identity, and vice versa. By changing our habits, we can effect profound changes in our self-image. This is a powerful psychological insight that has been validated by numerous studies in the field of social psychology. The book also discusses the importance of delayed gratification. Good habits often have delayed rewards, while bad habits often offer immediate pleasure but long-term pain. This concept is closely related to the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment, a famous psychological study on self-control. The Golden Rule of Habit Change is a practical guideline for implementing the Four Laws of Behavior Change. It provides a simple, memorable way to remember and apply these laws in everyday life. Clear provides practical strategies for breaking bad habits, such as making them unattractive, difficult, and unsatisfying. These strategies are grounded in the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy, a well-established psychological approach to changing behavior. The book also promotes the use of habit tracking, a simple way to measure your progress and keep yourself accountable. This concept is supported by the field of behavior modification, which emphasizes the importance of self-monitoring in behavior change. Finally, the book introduces the rule of "Never Miss Twice". If you miss a day, make it a point to get back on track the next day. This prevents you from spiraling into a cycle of repeated failure. This rule is a practical application of the psychological principle of resilience, the ability to bounce back from failure or adversity. Overall, "Atomic Habits" provides a comprehensive, science-based framework for understanding and changing habits. It combines insights from various fields, including psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral economics, to provide a practical guide for personal growth and development.
